About Me

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I'm 15. I don't have my learners or a job. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I like the colour purple and the number 7. My favorite kind of animal are horses.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Free The Children and My Thoughts

I think that Free The Children program is a very good thing. I like that it helps children when they are powerless. It also teaches children confidence and that there is much more in life. They have built over 500 schools around the world and reached more than one million people throught North America. If nothing works out for me I think I'll give them a call and if any of you that are reading this call them if you need help.
There are other options to learn to be a leader. There's a cadet program right in our town. Wedsendays from 6 to 9.
Well Its a good thing people put these programs out. You only have one life so live it to the fullest.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Damn you!!

I got nozema on the corners of my eyes. Then one day my right eye started to swell up. It really hurts and when I woke up the other day it didn't open I had to miss school, miss a volley ball game and had to see the doctor. It's very embarrassing the way that I look. I have like to different eyes. One is smaller than the other. It's crazy haha. Some people think I got in a fight or I got poked. I feel like i look like some hills have eyes *^&%*. Oh well,
I'm back at school and feeling ugly haha. Its alright though :D

Damn you!!